Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Feb 13: Meditation and Discussion on sin and repentance

Before I forget, please find attached a file with details of a tree planting event this Sunday, the 18th, at the Fallowfield Loop. If we get it over with early enough, we then can go to China Town to enjoy the Chinese New Year celebrations.

We practised Buddhist loving-kindness meditation and enjoyed it a lot.

Afterwards, we had a discussion about such matters as sin, repentance, forgiveness, death penalty, jury trial and relationship between secular and divine laws.

Then we decided that the topic the topic for next Abraham's Table on the 20th of March will be 'Marriage of Science and religion'. Different faiths have different stance on how religion and science relate to each other and how believers should relate to science, and whether society should be run based on science or religion.

As usual, we will have short (5 minute) presentations from a representative of each faith, and discussion and delicious food afterwards.

For a start, though, we decided to ask two science students - one a believer and one not - to share their personal views and feelings on science. If you can think of anyone who could carry out these roles, please reply to this posting or write to Interfaith Society mailing list.

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