Thursday, 4 October 2007

Timetable for Interfaith Soc

According to what we discussed ( to have a proper meeting on Tuesdays of 1 and 3 week) on our first meeting last month the dates that are definitely on the diary as event dates are ( IN BOLD)
9 October ( since the meeting on 2 October didn't come together I assumed 9th to be the first one; please let me know if this is inappropiate)
16 October
23 October ( Dada coming to speak??)
30 October (possibly planning meeting for Abraham's table's content???)
6 November
13 November
20 November (Visit to a worship place??)
4 December (abraham's table)
There are few developments, Dada from Ananda Marga have kindly offered to come and give a talk on 23rd October.
Could we talk about the content of the next Abraham's table on the Tuesday, between 23 October and 6 November or sometimes between then?(So that the posters, flyers of the Abraham's table can be prepared by the 2nd week of November and be circulated)
For workshops+ scripture study dates need to be chosen by the people who are leading it! Clare, Simon and Oxana could pick the dates?
We decided to make visits to worship places.There's a special event at Manchester Cathedral on 20th November (which is on our event dates) would people like visiting the Cathedral?or would people like to go to a Synagogue or Mosque?

1 comment:

ourkev said...

Don't worry, Dada has confirmed the 23rd, so we'll watch a film on the 9th and then have a chat on the 16th.