Sunday, 18 November 2007

North Sikhi Week

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Hi all,
Well it is November and it's that time of year again, yep North Sikhi Week has descended upon us. Its always well attended and received. The events that are taking place are detailed below. If you are interested in coming to any of the events, please get in contact with us(phone number below).

This year its extra special for us as we are hosting an Akhand Paath at Sherbourne Street Gurdwara.
You can find out more about Akhand Paaths: (

As an Akhand Paath is such a big event for us, we are going to need YOUR help in the Seva. If you are free to do any seva during the 48 hours of the event, please get in contact with us. We've got a lot of different types of Seva that you can get involved in such as preparing the langar, giving out prashaad, feed visitors etc. We will also be hosting a talk on Thurday about Sikhi and it's based on the concept of equality.

Monday 19th November

Time: 6.30pm
Place: Roger Stevens Building, LT5, Leeds University
Event: Sikh Women and Sacrifice

Tuesday 20th November

Time: 6.30pm
Place: Arts Tower, LT1, Sheffield University
Event: Ardaas and Exhibition

Wednesday 21st November

Time: 6.30pm
Place: Hub training room, The Guild, Liverpool University
Event: Life after Death

Thursday 22nd November

Time: 7am (Yes we mean 7 in the morning)
Place: Sri Guru Harkrishan Sahib Ji Gurdwara, Sherbourne Street, Manchester
Event: Arambh of Akhand Path


Time: 6.30pm
Place: Sri Guru Harkrishan Sahib Ji Gurdwara, Sherbourne Street, Manchester
Event: 'Caste it out of Sikhi' Talk

Friday 23rd November

Time: 12AM to 11.59PM
Place: Sri Guru Harkrishan Sahib Ji Gurdwara, Sherbourne Street, Manchester
Event: Continuation of Akhand Path

Saturday 24th November

Time: 7AM
Place: Guru Harkrishan Sahib Ji Gurdwara, Sherbourne Street, Manchester
Event: Bhog of Akhand Path


Time: 12PM
Place: Guru Harkrishan Sahib Ji Gurdwara, Sherbourne Street, Manchester
Event: Charity Car Wash

If you are interested in going to ANY event or helping out at the Akhand Paath, please contact: Daaneshwar (07930120580)

Hope to see you all soon….

Manchester Universities Sikh Society

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

"Maans Ki Jath Sabhai Ekai Pahihchanbo"
Recognise the whole Human Race as one

- Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj (Akaal Ustat)

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