Thursday, 15 November 2007

SCM social (ceilidh) and weekend away


This week is SCM's termly social event, which means 2 things. Firstly, we'll be going to Manchester Ceilidh (Gaelic folk dancing) tomorrow evening, 14th November, Jabez Clegg, opposite Manchester Uni union. We'll be around from 8.30pm, text me on 07784118640 if you'd like to come.

Please note that this means there will be no meeting or meal on Thursday evening.

Secondly, this weekend is National SCM's termly gathering in Mumbles, Swansea. It costs just £12 for food and accomodation, and the minibus will cost around £20. There are still 7 places available, so email me if you'd like to come. The minibus is leaving at 2pm (sharp) from St. Peter's House Chaplaincy on Friday 16th November and will be back sometime on Sunday evening. Text me or email me if you haven't yet booked your place and would like to come.

God bless,


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