Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Sikhi Week - Manchester's Biggest Ever!!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
This year things just keep getting bigger and bigger, first the Langar event in which over 1000 people were fed, and now an Akhand Paath for Sikhi Week in which potentially even more will be fed.
For those of you who don't know what an Akhand Paath is, take a look at http://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php?title=Akhand_Paath
As you can imagine, given the scale of an Akhand Paath, there will be a great deal of seva involved. This is a great opportunity for you to get involved . There are many different things to be done, from cooking (skilled labour) to serving to cleaning. Of course if you haven't got much time then at least come down for the 'eating' (highly skilled labour). Saturday will be a particularly busy day, and therefore there will be lots to be done. Just ask one of the committee members and they will tell you what needs doing.
There will be a talk at the Gurdwara on Thursday Evening, which will cover a diverse range of issues related to equality, for example gender equality, race equality, social equality and, as the title suggests, caste equality. The speaker for this talk will be Harwinder Singh of the highly acclaimed Sikh Education Council UK. His talks in the past have been very well received and we anticipate the same for this one also. We have set the time of the talk nice and early, so those who may have certain thursday night engagements should be back in time. A talk not to be missed!
There will of course be Kirtan on all 3 days, in the evening on thursday and friday, and in the morning/afternoon on saturday. There will be opportunities for you to do Kirtan on friday evening and saturday morning. When you arrive just tell one of the committee members and they will organise that for you.
We will be taking students from Piccadilly Gardens on all 3 days. For those coming at different times of the day, or those who wish to make their own way there, directions to Sri Guru Harkrishan Sahib Gurdwara are enclosed.
The program is as follows:
Thursday 22nd November
7am - Arambh of Akhand Paath
5:30pm - Meet at Piccadilly Gardens to be taken to Gurdwara
6:30pm - Talk entitled 'Caste it out of Sikhi'
Friday 23rd November
Continuation of Akhand Paath all day
5:30pm - Meet at Piccadilly Gardens to be taken to Gurdwara
Saturday 24th November
7am - Bhog of Akhand Paath
Followed by Kirtan, Nishan Sahib Sewa and Langar (This will go on into the afternoon)
11am - Meet at Piccadilly Gardens to be taken to Gurdwara
12pm - Charity Car Wash in Aid of 'ASR Charitable Trust' ( http://www.asrcharitabletrust.com )
If you are getting late when coming to Piccadilly Gardens, just give us a ring on 07930 120 580 (Daaneshwar) or 07969 108 929 (Sarvinder) and we may be able to accomodate you.
We hope to see you there all 3 days (the food will be different everyday)!!
Manchester Universities Sikh Society
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
"Maans Ki Jath Sabhai Ekai Pahihchanbo"
Recognise the whole Human Race as one
- Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj (Akaal Ustat)

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